Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Slow Momentum

I apologize for the slow momentum for Anima. I was waiting for the RPG book to really get into the meat of the story background, sonce there's very little on their cards. I'll be posting some pics as soon as Les gets free time to play again.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New Stuff for Anima Tactics

That's supposed to be the Sword of Cronos in his hands. From the illustration, he looks like he has a young version and an old version. We'll know when the mini is released soon.

No, not the succubus from Darkstalkers. Looks like a Boss from a video game. I don't know what she does but she'll definitely be on my list.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Harod - Prowler/Azur Alliance - level 40
Attack: 5
Damage: 4
Defense: 8
Armor: 0
Life Points: 12
Resistance: 10
Movement: 12/16
Action Recovery/Max: 3/4

2 - Stealth (Subterfuge, Effect) Harod becomes Hidden. This skill cannot be activated if Harod is inside an enemy Control Zone. Upkeep: 1
2- Murder Attack (Subterfuge, Attack) Special Impact, +5 Attack/+5 Damage. If Murder Attack causes any damage, target unit suffers Level 3 Poison, Effect 16. This skill can only be used if Harod is Hidden.
3 - Snake Blades (Ki, Attack) Special Impact, +2 Attack. If Snake Blades cause any damage, target unit suffer Level 3 Poison, Effect 15.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Any interested parties may order through this blog. Make sure you get them in before January 23 though!

My ANIMA TACTICS loot is NOW HERE!!! It'll be a bit before they hit the table though. Prior commissions come first after all ^_^