Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Info from Hawaiigamers:

Takanosuke - Prowler/Wanderer - level 45
Attack: 5
Damage: 3
Defense: 9
Armor: 0
Life Points: 12
Resistance: 10
Movement: 12/16
Action Recovery/Max: 3/4

2 - Stealth (Subterfuge, Effect) Takanosuke becomes hidden. Upkeep: 1
2 - Kage (Subterfuge, Dodge, Escape) +1 Defense. If Takanosuke successfully defends the attack, he may automatically escape combat and use action points to move as a Reactive Action.
2 - Kage Shuriken (Subterfuge, Ranged Attack) Distance (12 inches). +2 Attack. If Kage Shuriken causes damage, target unit suffers level 1 Paralyze. Effect 15. This skill can be used only if Takanosuke is hidden.
2 - Tenchu (Subterfuge, Attack) +3 Attack / +3 Damage. This skill can only be used only if Takanosuke is Hidden.
3 - Void Eye (Ki, Effect) Takanosuke targets an enemy unit within 12 inches. Target unit and all friendly or enemy units within 3 inches from target suffer level 1 Slow. Effect 14. Takanosuke may not use Void Eye while engaged in Hand-to-Hand combat.

And just because it's so relevant, the accompanying card:

8 Orochi Seal; Awakened State
Type: Power
Category: Unique Character

This card my only be used on Takanosuke. Reveal this card at the beginning of the first turn. It remains in play for the rest of the game. Awakened State may not used if your group includes Kojaku Hime. While in play, Takanosuke gains the following special rules:

* Takanosuke is considered a Dark Unit.
* Takanosuke gains +1 to his Attack Attribute.
* Void Eye causes Level 1 Doom instead of Level 1 Slow.
* At the end of the maintenance phase, throw a die; with a result of 8+ put a Berserker counter on Takanosuke.